Addiction Treatment Methods Evidence-Based Practices

Building upon Carl Rogers’ person-centered approach, motivational interviewing is a counseling method that incentivizes participants to change their behavior. It is most effective for the treatment of addiction and the management of physical illnesses and ailments. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) – Specific conditions like opioid use disorder may require medication as the first course of treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown effective in helping people overcome addiction.

As a result, patients are able to handle stressful situations and various triggers that might cause another relapse. Behavioral therapies can also enhance the effectiveness of medications and help people remain in treatment longer. For serious alcohol use disorder, you may need a stay at a residential treatment facility.

What are the signs of addiction?

Additionally, medications are used to help people detoxify from drugs, although detoxification is not the same as treatment and is not sufficient to help a person recover. Detoxification alone without subsequent treatment generally leads to resumption of drug use. The emergency and referral resources listed above are available to individuals located in the United States and are not operated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). NIDA is a biomedical research organization and does not provide personalized medical advice, treatment, counseling, or legal consultation. Information provided by NIDA is not a substitute for professional medical care or legal consultation. Substance use disorder (SUD) can negatively affect a person’s health and relationships.

  • However, as a chronic disease, addiction is difficult to treat and requires on-going care.
  • This article discusses how drug addiction is treated and offers suggestions for overcoming drug addiction.
  • Among the many benefits of regular exercise are that people tend to become more focused on health goals, physical activity often boosts mood, and exercise adds structure to the day.
  • While naloxone has been on the market for years, a nasal spray (Narcan, Kloxxado) and an injectable form are now available, though they can be very expensive.
  • Kaiser Permanente primary care physicians are trained to screen for possible alcohol misuse at every appointment and connect members who need support to addiction medicine specialists.

Your doctor may refer you to one-on-one therapy or group counseling. Once you’re stabilized, you may transition to an inpatient treatment facility. That’s why detoxification is almost always done with medical supervision. Curious about whether your insurance will cover the entirety of your addiction care?

Can I prevent developing an addiction?

However, these tests may be used for monitoring treatment and recovery. Meditation techniques can be implemented in any type of addiction treatment program. Some of these treatments include inpatient rehab, outpatient addiction treatment programs, and continued aftercare treatment.

addiction treatment

Serious complications can cause health concerns or social situations to result in the end of a life. Enlisting positive support can help hold you accountable to goals. SAMHSA explains that family and friends who are supportive of recovery can help someone change because they can reinforce Is There a Connection Between Narcissism and Alcoholism? new behaviors and provide positive incentives to continue with treatment. Drug addiction is dangerous because it becomes all-consuming and disrupts the normal functioning of your brain and body. When a person is addicted, they prioritize using the drug or drugs over their wellbeing.


You have to have a special license to operate one of these clinics. There are not a lot of these clinics because they’re so difficult to get licensing for. And that means if you’re a person with use disorder, you might have to travel up to two hours one way to get your dose. Locate addiction treatment providers and services that support addiction providers.

Coping with withdrawal may require hospitalization or inpatient care to ensure adequate supervision and medical intervention as necessary. This isn’t always the case, though, because different drugs have different withdrawal symptoms. The severity of use also plays a role, so knowing what to expect—and when to seek emergency help—is important. Behavioral addictions can occur with any activity that’s capable of stimulating your brain’s reward system. MFTs are trained to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, substance misuse, and addiction within the context of marriage, couples, and family relationships.

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